Originally said to be an ancient hapu living in the region north of Taupo- later migrating to the Taupo district, and then to Manganui o te ao valley around 300 years ago.
John Grace said ”The Matahina people eventually became know as Ngati Ruakopiri and with Ngati Hotu took possession of the lands bordering Lake Taupo”.
With the re-location to Manganui o te ao Ngati Ruakopiri became associated with the famous hapu Patutokotoko. There were 3 non sellers of Ngati Ruakopiri, when the Waimarino block was acquired by the Crown in 1887. They were Te Tawhero Tupaka, his brother Reone Tupaka and Peehi Te Kore- who was also know as Te Peehi Hitaua Turoa. Each non seller received 250 acres in the WAI 3 reserve at Manganui o te ao, and 250 acres in WAI 4 at Erua.
Ngati Ruakopiri have participated in Waitangi Tribunal inquiries, and maintain a vibrant hapu identity today.